Our Favorite Actual Teamwork Quotes

What Culinary Teamwork Quotes Reveal About Organizational Culture
You’ll see a lot of teamwork quotes. Most are emotional, abstract and inspirational. Hallmark card type of stuff. For example, “there’s no ‘I’ in team, ” or, “you can go fast by yourself but further with others.” Those platitudes have their place, but in the process of conducting more than 1,000 culinary team building sessions, we’ve collected real-life verbatim teamwork quotes straight from the mouths of team building event participants.
We find these team quotes more powerful and motivating, because its what people say to each other during or after an intense culinary team building experience. They reveal the essence of the participants and the organization in a straightforward, unvarnished way. In some cases, these quotes are cathartic. In others they are funny. Some are inspiration. Even a few are angry.
We’ve become pretty good about ascertaining organization culture and health just from listening.
If you organize team building events or are responsible for employee engagement, morale or retention, this is the kind of feedback you are looking for. Maybe you will recognize some aspects of your company or culture in these real teamwork quotes.
Our Eight Favorite Teamwork Quotes
Teamwork Quote
“Ben took care of everyone at our prep table first. He made sure we all had what we needed. That is what leadership is all about.”
Why We Like It
One of the new buzzwords in leadership training is “servant leader.” Ben seems to embody it and team members value it.
What It Reveals
Maybe there is more than a buzzword at work here. Servant leadership may be valued as much, if not more than, other management skills.
Teamwork Quote
“Jessica took charge. But she did it gracefully.”
Why We Like It
We’ve had plenty of “bull in the china shop” bossy cooks that elbow everyone out of the way and take over. Obviously, Jessica is strong willed. But also, smart.
What It Reveals
Style and substance are both important and when mixed together, powerful and motivating.
Teamwork Quote
Admin to CEO: “Jim, I need that onion chopped in a small dice and I need it now!”
CEO to Admin: “Yes Ma’am.”Why We Like It
One of our favorite teamwork quotes ever.
In the heat of the moment, with the clock running down, two people at opposite ends of the management spectrum are totally comfortable with each other.
What It Reveals
For these teammates, hierarchy is less important than getting the job done. Jim is comfortable in his position. The admin is too. Neither feels threatened. That’s the sign of good culture.
Teamwork Quote
“Jane, I’ve worked next to you for the last five years. Until today in this kitchen, you’ve never asked me for help with a single thing.”
Why We Like It
Wow. Talk about getting something off your chest. But that’s okay. The predecessor to progress is often conflict. Sounds like this woman did it in the right way at the right time.
What It Reveals
Many people that don’t care stay quiet and avoid conflict and rocking the boat. It’s just not worth it. People that care about their organization confront issues and try to solve them.
Teamwork Quote
“For the first few minutes, we stared at this recipe dumbfounded. None of us knew what to do or where to start. Then, we took the time to talk about it and find out what each of us was good at, and what we liked to do. Before long, we jumped right in and started working as a team. And we ended up winning!”
Why We Like It
Here’s one for the platitude posters. “Nobody is as smart as everybody.”
What It Reveals
This is a testament to the power of collaboration and teamwork. You see its impact. In real time.
Teamwork Quote
“I’ve been working with this woman for 10 years. After seeing her passion for cooking and the leadership she had in the kitchen, I have a new respect for her and we’re better friends because of this experience.”
Why We Like It
Putting people together in unexpected situations (like a kitchen) shows different sides of them. The more co-workers know about each other, the better.
What It Reveals
One of the precursors to trust and respect is familiarity.
Teamwork Quote
“As a client of this organization, I was thrilled to be invited to this team building event. It has definitely created a stronger bond between me and the company.”
Why We Like It
Clients are people too. So are customers, vendors, suppliers and other stakeholders outside your immediate organization.
What It Reveals
Most organizations are dependent on an extended “value chain” that includes stakeholders both within and without the organization. Sometimes they are as important to success as your own employees and they should not be taken for granted.
Teamwork Quote
Team Building facilitator: “Did you learn anything different about your co-workers today in the kitchen?”
Participant: “Yes, we learned that if Vincent ever gets divorced, he will starve to death.”
Why We Like It
We look for teams with a collective sense of humor. This group had it in spades.
What It Reveals
When you can laugh at each other, it shows a positive vulnerability within the organization. This actual teamwork quote is a good sign of a healthy culture where people are willing to stick their neck out a bit.
If you’d like to see the level of engagement we are able to develop during our culinary team building sessions, check out our gallery. If you would like more information, or would like to discuss a virtual or onsite event, contact us.